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How Long Until Boston Dynamics Robot Can Be a KungFu Master?

React to Boston Dynamics new ‘More Parkour Atlas’ Video

Anyone interested in AI and robotics should look at the video below.

In this video, Atlas from Boston Dynamics was performing a whole set of gymnastics routine including jumping, rolling and jump forward, stand up-side-down with two arms, and finally a 180 vertical spin. Again, amazing yet scary at the same time. The moves are so human-like is somewhat passed the uncanny valley and starts to appear very natural. With the fluent flow of moves showcased in this very short video, people can’t help but ask: how are we till we see some KungFu master level robot moves? Like what we see in Alita: Battle Angel?

I can think of one thing this could be useful for. As far as I know, a lot of ancient Kung Fu set were lost in history just because there are no good apprentices to learn and preserve it. Huge lost for humanity IMO. If we can develop a robot that can ‘copy’ the set moves, at least we can preserve at least the form of it, right?

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